Monday, October 10, 2011
4:03 AM | 0 comments Hey Guys, I don't know if you guys have been following the news lately.. but TVB is in a big crisis right now LOL And I just want to discuss about it here. Ya' know, just my thoughts :) TVB is a very dominant industry that is popular worldwide ! But, it can so easily fall part for the coming years to come due to various problems. So, I kinda realized that TVB had a lack of artist this year.. I mean is anyone bored of the consistent and same old boring actors/actress which includes supporting, veterans and etc ? Coz I am personally. I guess that's why I have been interested Korean Drama because of the fact that they have a HUGE amount of artists and it is just so refreshing to watch even if the drama is bad. I don't know how they can recruit new talented artist that can actually act *cough*. People like Tracey Yip or Christine Kuo are not gonna cut it. I guess besides Hong Kong pageants and such.. maybe they need to find other ways .. I dunno myself. To make matters worse, there has been a huge trend of top fa dans and Sui sangs leaving TVB one by one to enter the Mainland Market. Not unusual due to better career future and higher pay .. LOL Something TVB needa think about, their pay is really low. I think average a normal artist can have 30 000 per ep whilst in Mainland its like 100 000 - 150 000 :O Well, of course the higher ranked actors get about 50 000 or so , but still not as much as the Mainland Market; which often surprises me coz does anyone of you out there watch Mainland dramas ? I find them boring and draggy .. O_O Don't ask me where and how they get the money from to pay LOL TVB is very stingy even though they are pretty successful oversea and if they keep doing some, paying their artist so poorly than it pretty much result to them leaving. They have suffered a big blow ever since Charmaine Sheh, Bowie Lam, left. But I guess high pay isn't enough sometimes, Gallen Lo declined a promising series and promising pay with double his usual pay. It shows TVB also lacks in how friendly their industry is if you know what I mean O_O Another thing about TVB is they are the soooooooo bias according to which actors/actress they like. No joke. Obviously, there is ALOT of underrated artist who is so loyal to TVB but it seems like they don't even care since they only care about their 'favorites' getting the best of dramas. Lets say for example, Bosco Wong and Raymond Lam ? Don't mind me, I love them but it is obvious to me that TVB adores these actors because they are TVB Biological sons or whatever. It is so ridiculous to hear Raymond Lam is hot for the top actor award when his series hasn't even aired yet ?! Like, what the hell is going on there. There isn't only them though, people like Michael tse who is infamous for his Laughing Gor role is definitely being over used and I don't know when this character will ever die off already. Since they have favourites, of course they will ignore some artist. I think it is a pretty infamous news now, but everyone knows about the Steven Ma incident right ? You know, how TVB rejected his Mainland Offer and how TVB did not do a celebration dinner when 'Life of a Sentimental' pulled out good ratings.. unfortunately for that series, it aired at the same time as Lives of Omission.. hrmm.. I wonder why ? I personally felt bad for Steven honestly. I love him to bits, out of all the artists in TVB I would be the saddest person if he leaves. He gives a different vibe to his dramas which makes them really light-hearted and enjoyable to watch ! He is a great actor, but unfortunately no recognition at all. Speculation about him leaving saddens me :'( Oh, and to add one more person.. Wong Hei is definitely one neglected actor ! He sadly, left recently. I mean, even people like Felix Wong was treated poorly when his series Gun Metal Grey was airing. All eyes and interest from TVB was No Regrets. Wayne Lai was gaining huge popularity so even actors like him can't compete with Wayne due to favoritism LOL And then another problem that arises is the lack of interest and enjoyment in their series now !! It has been coming to a whole new low of the quality of the series. They have been coming up with bad scripts and storyline that doesn't intrigue me at all. But this isn't a big problem, because considering other industries also have not been coming up with good dramas nowadays. Like you know, Korean dramas, Taiwanese and etc.. I mean, they all have some decent ones and some rare good ones but the rest are usually dodgy LOL But in saying that, upcoming series they have in their hands really interest me still though LOL Fornesic Heroes III, When Heaven Burns, and much more! They all still excite me LOL Of course there is the whole Ricky Wong thing.. but that's another story. Hope you guys enjoy my little rant :) I really enjoyed writing this hehe, |