Friday, October 7, 2011
10:59 PM | 0 comments Hey Guys, WOOT ! ! hehe, I am pretty excited about Forensic Heroes III; it just totally reminds me of FHII so much <3 ahh, I gotta admit I am gonna miss the old cast so much. I don't even need to watch FHIII yet and I still am certain that the old cast is so much better. Although Wayne is a great actor alongside Maggie.. I really don't think these two can bring such a performance like Bobby, Yoyo, Frankie, Charmaine etcc did. :'( BUT, I'm sure they won't be too bad, it's just I am a bit unsure of Nancy, Kate and Ron's roles .. Is it just me but Nancy will somewhat drag the series and Kate's standard acting will how through ? Overall, I'm not excited over the cast at all ! Something is missing for sure. BUT, overall the most important thing about this series is that it MUST have good cases ! I'm sure most of you guys have all watched the promo clips already and looking at it, there seems to be very high technology used here and some scary cases. But there is no point of advance technologies if the cases are obvious and bad. I do have high hopes for the cases because the roles of victims and murderers and such seems to be very good actors used here. I really really hope the cases will be scary, mysterious and intense .. and not be obvious and boring. |