Friday, February 10, 2012
3:38 PM | 0 comments Hey Guys,this is gonna be a random post LOL I'm personally anticipating watching 'Hippocratic Crush' for many reasons. Firstly I haven't seen a medical based drama for a very long time from TVB, the cast is too awesome AND I have a mini-crush on Benjamin Yeun. LOL Yeah.. I am watching Love Til Us Lie and he is absolutely my fav character in there, and not to mention he looks quite cute and can actually act HAHA. We all know Mr Hong Kong contest winners rarely produce any good actors. Seeing his previous role, I thought he was terrible in acting but I guess that was because of his character before. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the romance storyline in here is gonna somehow drag the series, and I am 100% certain cuz you can already tell by the series name. Although is it Hippocratic crush or 36 hours on call ? :/ BUT whatevs, hopefully it is good. I actually haven't seen Kenneth Ma for so long onscreen, wow.. |