Tuesday, August 16, 2011
4:55 AM | 0 comments Hey Guys,
Sorry for being M.I.A .. LOL I don't really have alot to post atm :$ I'll just do a super quick review on some dramas I have been watching :) As you all know.. I really did not watch TVB dramas all that seriously now. I dunno why, I just get lazy too.. maybe because I'm not expecting much from them anymore :/ But definitely, series that are potentially good I'll watch them .. but for now I'm not interested in any. It might sound shocking to some people, but I'm not really interested in 'Ghetto Justice' anymore. I was for the first 4 episodes of the series but then it kinda lost my interest :$ Despite the praises for the show.. I don't think i'll continue on anymore. Myabe just watching it sparingly to see how it goes LOL. I mean, I like Kevin's character. I love his intractions with his little gang HAHA. Not the biggest fan of Myolie though :# I don't really trust her character, I feel like she is a 2-face person because of her greed in success. This is actually surprising for me ! Wax and Wayne is a good series. Not all that amazing but its enjoyable. I don't know if anyone else notices but its pretty much a duplicate of Heart of Greed in my opinion with just some changes. I can't be bothered explaining right now the similarities and such.. I will when I'm bothered and free LOL I mean, the beginning of the series is really similar but as the series moved on .. it had its own storyline happening there so its not exactly the same or anything anymore.. And yes, I really dislike Sunny .. even though he doesn't play a nice guy . he instead receives a irrational guy which is kinda annoying :@ I can see why viewers complains about how loud he is HAHA. He really does shout alot in the beginning but I guess it calmed down abit. I am loving Roger atm, although he may appear as a evil person .. he is actually not as bad but instead a really nice guy ><" I mean, after all he isn't the villain in the series anyway. Yeah, his awesome.. he is such an interesting character that I can't really explain. I am acrtually rooting for Roger and Kate, even though they rarely have any scenes with each other.. so far, they share unique chemistry ! I guess its the fact that Ron and Kate started to date already int he first episode.. it kinda makes you lose interest in them. And plus, they don't share chemistry with each other. I am glad Toby took on this role, she is quite a character here LOL . But yeah, I do like her being the tomboy and such, Its a nice change. AND I;'m loving what's going on with her and Him Law. hehe, they are gonna make a cute couple :P And yeah, that's all I have been watching. Hope you guys enjoy ~ |