Wednesday, July 6, 2011
4:45 AM | 0 comments Hey Guys, I haven't blabbed about TVb series for a very long time.. Just wanna update with everyone :) I have honestly lost track on where I'm up to, so don't mind me if I'm repeating myself or anything LOL Let me first off start saying that I haven't been watching TVB dramas to the fullest. I seriously watch it whenever I can, it's like my back-up drama LOL Yes Sir No sir is not the best drama, it's quite horrible in a honesty. I seriously don't take this drama seriously, I treat it like a sitcom because it's so stupid. Moses as a 'Undercover Police' is stupid. I swear, if TVB creates another 'Undercover Police' character .. D: Because it's getting overkill ! Their overusing these type of characters wayy too much. Obviously the whole 'Laughing Gor' character has influenced this >< Such as waste of cast ! Such a good cast ruined by a bad script. Everyone has been praising Linda's 'Miss Koo' character for her great acting etc.. I'm coming close to the end for this series, and I don't find anything great about it O_O I think it's one of her worst acting to be honest. Well, its not THAT bad but it's nothing great. I have already seen that crying scene.. its really good but you know, it's just one scene that had great acting. It did not show up in other scenes. Ron to me was more of a cameo appearance, hardly ever see him. Overall, not the best series but I like the concept with the whole school thing LOL mm.. ohkays. Nothing better from here coz I have literally stopped watching 'Relic of Emissary' after 2 eps. The first 2-3 eps was good, exciting and enjoyable. Then after that I lost interest. I would be forcing myself to watch it if I had to, it's quite draggy and it involves too much talking. I'm not gonna say its bad though, its just I don't have the patience ti watch any further LOL And plus, the cast doesn't interest me especially the male cast. Not really a fan of Joe or Michael.. Quite sad how Sammual gets so less screentime, even Elanne Kwong gets more screentime than him ! :$ Be Home for Dinner, is good. You know, its just your average sitcom. It's not the best though. I would be definitely be more enthusiastic when all the other TVB dramas are released here. These ones don't interest me at all. But lately I have been a Korean drama fan. I'm probably abit obssessed LOL. I don't wanna talk about this series AGAIN here buhh.. I AM LOVING CITY HUNTER <3 Best series ever. Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young are my new favourite couple guys.. I am VERY tempted to create a blog dedicated to them like this one :D You don't know how obssessed I am with this couple ROFLL Such a unique love storyline ! An action packed couple but cute at the same time ;) ![]() ![]() |