Saturday, June 25, 2011
10:00 PM | 0 comments Hey Guys, Yeah you can forget about the below post.. for now anyways coz not sure if anything is going to be ohkay yet :) I am definitely glad that Kevin is gaining alot of recognition from his role 'Ghetto Justice' I can't really comment much since I haven't even watched it yet LOL I mean, I know ALOT of bloggers out there who doesn't appreciate Kevin's acting at all.. so I'm hoping they will change their mind about it. Kevin's role in BTROC is admittedly boring and dead, so I guess he has resurrected himself in a sense :) Its funny coz some people are comparing this to Michael Tse success with 'Laughing Gor' I necessarily don't think its true that the interesting character of 'Laughing Gor' is what made Michael Tse successful. I think without his acting, I don't think its possible. I mean, has anyone watched VOH ? His character in there was totally comedic ! So it proves he doesn't always carry the same facial expression in every series, I think thats the character he needs to act out. But in saying that, yes, it is frustrating seeing his aggravated face with no emotion LOL My point is, same goes to Kevin. Its a mixture of both acting and the likable character that he has in the series that made him popular :) I cannot believe Bowie Lam was nominated for this role first. Honestly, I HATE Bowie's acting, his terrible. I don't think he would've pulled off a sly, laid-back character at all ! Felix would definitely be too stiff and awkward if he has this role.. LOL Honestly, sequel is fine with me but a movie out of this, is kinda too much. BUT CONGRATZ to Kevin though :):) Super happy. Kevin Cheng Resurrects Career Due to “Law Ba” Role ![]() Portraying a down-and-out lawyer and revealing his “quality butt” in the first episode of Ghetto Justice, Kevin Cheng’s <鄭嘉穎> career was resurrected by the role. His lucky moment may have arrived! The series peaked at 35 points in ratings. Due to the popularity of the series, TVB announced the filming of a sequel in October 2011 featuring the original cast. Ghetto Justice was a surprise hit series and TVB intended to release a film version featuring Kevin and Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), with the addition of various film stars. The original producer of Ghetto Justice, Tong Kei Ming (唐基明), was sought by Shaw Brothers to produce the project along with director, Chung Shue Kai (鍾樹佳). Mr. Tong also revealed that Kevin Cheng was the third choice to play “Law Ba” in Ghetto Justice. “Our first choice was Bowie Lam (林保怡), however he rejected the role to film a mainland series instead. Our second choice was Felix Wong (黃日華), who was busy performing in China and turned down the role. Finally, we considered Kevin Cheng. I was surprised by his uninhibited performance.” Shaw Studios will produce a film version of Ghetto Justice featuring the original cast. Realizing that the box office draw of television actors may be limited, Shaw Brothers will invite mainland stars to surround Kevin Cheng and Myolie Wu in the movie version, similar to the strategy employed in Turning Point < Laughing Gor之變節>. An inside source revealed, “Shaw Brothers intends to invite Zhou Xun (周迅) or Zhang Jingchu (張靜初). Among the male actors, they will ask Lau Wah (劉燁), Simon Yam (任達華), and Nick Cheung (張家輝). The big film stars will oppose Kevin’s legal team.” As to whether Zhou Xun or Lau Wah may be involved in the project, Producer Tong Kei Ming said, “Everything is still under consideration in the early stages, thus nothing has been confirmed yet.” MASSIVE spoiler ahead You guys all know by now that I haven't watched this yet.. but I could not resist and decided to read the spoilers :$ I kinda regret it, but oh wells. I'm not liking the idea of Kevin being in prison like that to end the episode.. that's gonna be annoying ! I haven't even seen the series yet, and I am already feeling sad that Sharon is gonna die :'( Idunno why ! Maybe because they said she got 'bashed' to death ! Farout :# Ending Spoilers for “Ghetto Justice” Revealed! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Recently voted as “The Best Television Series in the 1st Half of 2011,” Ghetto Justice <怒火街頭> aired its finale this week. Prior to the airing of the finale, spoilers revealed that Kevin Cheng’s (鄭嘉穎)“Law Ba” character will have an ultimate ending. Despite being a lawyer, Kevin broke the law, lost his legal license, and entered prison! In the ending of Ghetto Justice, Sharon Chan’s (陳敏之) prostitute character was bashed to death by Shek Sau (石修) after discovering that he bribed a witness. Eager to bring to justice Shek Sau’s crime, Kevin willingly took a risk by tapering with the evidence of the case. Knowingly violating the law, Kevin’s legal license was disqualified. Ghetto Justice’s ending did not simply feature the suspension of Kevin’s legal license. Instead, “Law Ba” appeared in a prison uniform in the ending episode! Difficult to Write a Sequel Since TVB did not predict the run-away success of Ghetto Justice, the ending featured central character, “Law Ba” in prison. With the ultimate ending, the new producer of Ghetto Justice’s sequel, which will film in October, found it difficult to write a sequel. A production crew member revealed, “We want to feature the opening of the sequel with ‘Law Ba’ resuming his lawyer role and assisting clients in their cases. However, how can we justify the removal of ‘Law Ba’s’ legal license, entering prison, and resuming his old job as a lawyer? This critical point is giving the producer and scriptwriter a big headache. Currently, we are consulting a lawyer’s advice to see how to [see if perhaps there are legal loopholes].” *credits to Jaynestars* |