
Series Review;
Friday, October 8, 2010 9:40 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Just updated my 'Creations' Tab (:

FINALLY finished 'Beauty Know no Pain'
haha, this series is by far the best series for 2010 for me (: Of course potentially 'Can't Buy Me Love' & 'No Regrets' MIGHT overtake that ..
But yeah, this series is very amusing to watch ! Especially with the relationship with Power Chan and Joyce Tang ! This pair is a very funny bickering couple and made the series more light-hearted I suppose.
Joyce has a very.. unusual character before she had plastic surgery. She was quite strange in my opinion.. LOL . but after she had gone under the knife she had a whole new character change ! She wasn't shy anymore, more self-confident and etc. BUT one thing I don't like about her character too much was the fact she uses her breasts to attract guys, persuade them into something or gain attention, that was just wrong.
Must be my favorite character and role for Power Chan, not much more to say really (:

It was funny, Michelle and Dominic's marriage was like perfect, they seemed really sweet with each other in the beginning,, and then all of a sudden appeared Yoyo Chen so that practically wrecked that relationship :P And then Dominic started to act selfish and that annoyed me quite a bit :$ Michelle has a very strong character when it comes to work, but until she got pregnant, everything turned upside down so it was interesting to watch her fought back. Not to forget that she had to suffer the death of her bf at the time and having a character dealing with the same situation, Michelle did a great job :)

Maggie has a very interesting character and I actually really like it.
I guess you can consider her as a bad person and etc.. but for some reason I rally like this character :$
I guess her dedication to work really was more important than her friends and even bf so at the end she lost everyone. I sort of pitied her at the end, is being CEO of Asia-Pacific really worth it ?
I was quite surprised that the ending, I was expecting the typical TVB would make Maggie and Joe come back together and etc.. but they didn't so huge shock there !
Quite sad for the couple,coz they did really love each other and had up and downs to finally be together but what a shame :$
omg, I was like in shock when Elaine Yiu appeared at the very last minute ! Is it just me or is she gonna be the second Maggie ? :P
I liked how they ended the series like that, leaves me wondering
ohkays, lastly I gotta go and praise Elena Kong in her performance here ! omg, she was soo perfect for that role and I don't know who other that can tops that ! Her character was the best ! :$

Overall, this series is awesome and it truly recommend it (:

Some Day is also another series that I have been really loving from TVB!
IMO, this series is better than Off Pedder (:
I guess because it involves less Business talk and more social stuff ? LOL
yeah, this series is really nice ;)

Growing Through Life is sucha disappoint for me, I don't think I'll ever finish it !

so yeah, this is really looong so I'm gonna end it quickly (:
HOPEFULLY Can't Buy Me Love would be released next week !!


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