
Charmaine & Kevin news;
Sunday, October 3, 2010 10:53 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Enjoy today's news (:

  • Yeah, its really either gonna be Charmaine or Sheren being Tv Queen this year :L If Sheren's evil character gets support among the netizens she will definetly get the award, It will also depends if the series "No Regrets" gets high ratings too.
Moses Chan & Charmaine Sheh mutual support for TV King&Queen

TVB hit series Can't Buy Me Love (CMBL) finale was broadcast last night. The cast members including Charmaine Sheh, Moses Chan, Fala Chen and Lee Heung Kam attended the "CMBL Big Reunion" attracting more than 1,000 people to surround the location and enjoy the finale. The location was packed. Moses and Charmaine mutually supported each other for the TV King and Queen titles. Moses promises again that he'll appear in swimwear if the TV ratings reach 50 points. Charmaine and Louis were unable to attend Kiki Sheung's wedding banquet, but still congratulated her through the TV broadcast.

Last night, almost all of the CMBL cast members attended, except for Linda Chung who is not in Hong Kong. They were on stage saying the motto together. Louis suggested that since it's Kiki's wedding banquet tonight, they should use Kiki's names in her series to say congratulating words. Charmaine sent the message 'long live in harmony, be together forever' to Kiki using her Third Princess status.

Charmaine will watch No Regrets

Charmaine was asked if she has confidence to receive 50 points in TV ratings just like Jewels In the Palace and Beyond the Realm of Conscience? She said try her best. Facing TVB anniversary series No Regrets threat, she generously said that she's looking forward to Cheung Wah Biu's script and in the past when she worked with him on Seven Sisters, she really admired his scripts. Is she worried that Sheren Tang is a threat to her for the TV Queen title? She felt that it should not be said like that, she wants TVB to have good productions too and she will be watching the series. As to ex-rumored boyfriend Kevin Cheng supporting her for TV Queen? She thanked him. When Moses Chan appeared, he said that Charmaine will definitely get TV Queen this year, in courtesy of that Charmaine also supports Moses.

If the ratings for the finale broadcast reaches 50 points, Moses promises to wear triangular swimsuit with his two brothers Louis Yuen and Raymond Wong, while Charmaine wears a bikini. Charmaine joked that she really anticipates seeing Moses in the swimsuit. They were asked if they want to shoot a CMBL sequel? Or maybe a modern version? They both said if that happens then they'll be very happy, but they fear that the modern version won't be as good as the ancient one.

Lee Heung Kam good health, not retiring

78 year old Lee Heung Kam denied the magazine reports saying that she's having health problems and has to retire. She said: "Choi!" She said that the magazine even wrote her injuries from 40 years ago. She is in very good health, will never retire. She really likes to act, even her family doesn't want her to retire because they'll have to arrange activities for her if she does. Before she mentioned to reduce the work and fears the difficulty of filming long series. Lee Heung Kam clarifies that she will not retire, or else the film production companies won't offer her jobs and ruin her path of earning money.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Kiki and Patrick once again (: Kiki looks absolutely gorgeous

Wedding day for another TVB actress! Veteran actress Kiki Sheung married boyfriend of 4 years Patrick Lee yesterday (HK). The couple performed a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony in the first half of the day. Wearing a Chinese wedding dress, Kiki and her bridesmaids and other relatives left the hotel at around noon and went to Golden Bauhinia Square to take pictures. Because there were many tourists in Golden Bauhinia Square, the newlyweds' appearance attracted a lot of attention and people started to take pictures. Due to the crowds and windy weather, they just stayed for ten minutes and left.

Kiki prepared 5 outfits and 2 sets of jewelry for her big day. At the wedding dinner, the 48 year old changed to a western wedding gown. During interviews, she was wearing a diamond swan ring designed by her husband. She expressed she will wear her wedding ring when they register for marriage later the night. She disclosed husband made many love promises that touched her heart. When she heard him told her he loves her, there was a moment she really wanted to cry but she held her tears in the end. But even if she cried, it won't ruin her make up because her make-up artist put on a super water resistant make-up.

Many Kiki's artiste friends attended to her wedding, and some of the attendees were super stars like Carina Lau, Sean Lau and wife Amy Kwok, and Sandra Ng. Carina arrived at the dinner party around 8PM and she expressed she and Kiki hasn't met for a long time. "It's like a school reunion," she joked. [They graduated from the 12th TVB acting class]. Reporters wondered where is her husband Tony Leung, she said he is currently filming. Thinking back the days when they were in the acting class, she expressed she had many girls' talk with Kiki. Now seeing her getting married, she feels very happy for her. Other stars attended to the wedding included Eric Tsang, Michael Tao, Liza Wang, Roger Kwok, etc.

In addition, originally promised to come to the wedding dinner, Louis Yuen and Charmaine Sheh etc had to miss it due to the finale event of "Can't Buy Me Love." Louis and Charmaine can only give their blessings through TV. "Today is also the wedding day for another princess, Princess Kiki," Louis said. He created a congratulating blessing using the titles of two Kiki's dramas. Charmaine wished the couple live happily forever.
  • heheh, turns out Kevin won't be in this series afterall (: Hehe, So sweet of Kevin supporting Charmaine (:
Kevin Cheng hopes to work with Niki Chow again

It was reported that Producer Lee Tim Sing's series A Fistful of Stances received good response and because of this male lead Kevin Cheng is often suggesting that Tim Gor make a sequel. Eventually, Tim Gor decided to use Niki Chow as the female lead for this simple love story, therefore will give up on Kevin for the male lead. Towards this, Kevin said that he has never suggested Fistful 2 and that the final decision is left for the Producer to make. He will not get into it. If he is to work with ex-rumored girlfriend Niki Chow, will it be awkward? He said: "No, work is work. It's just that we once had rumors, I do hope to work with Niki again because we have not worked together for a long time." He also said that he supports both Charmaine Sheh and Sheren Tang for TV Queen this year, but he implies that he supports Charmaine because her chances are high. As for himself, he only has one series in the nominations, so he already prepared for defeat for TV King. Next month until December, he will be in Mainland for a new series and movie, so there is a chance he won't be able to attend the TVB anniversary award ceremony.

*credits to aZangel and Kay's Entertainment*


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