
Friday, September 10, 2010 5:29 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
UGH ! on an urge of breaking point here ~
My stupid computer has a virus AGAIN !
I seriously wanna smash that monitor and throw it far, far away so bad !
*sighh* I hate technology so much!

anyway, I recently just finished watching Pillow Case of Mystery II so here's a quick review on it (:
Till now I still think making Kenix and Annie and their 3 children die in a ship accident seems so cruel ? I know why TVB did that but still.. can you imagine two of your wives and 3 of your children die all in one ? BUT I guess that's the only solution to continue the series ><
I have watched the First one, but have blurry memories of it, so I can't really remember anything .. hahah
PCOMII is quite enjoyable to watch, I mean the first batch of episodes were quite boring-ish especially with the cases and such .. but it gradually got better (:
I reckon the highlight of the series would be the last 6 episodes (; I guess coz that's when they start finding Johnson's identity and how he died and such :/
That of course was the best and most interesting case so that was a good way to end of a series.
I thought Killing off Leila was such a shame? I mean, she was such a good person, its just not logical for her to die. But oh well.. at least she became a heavenly spirit and replaced Johnson (:
Joel was such a cute character in the beginning and then got a bit annoying but soon towards the end he was likable again (: Funny how now he gets help from Leila now and although she is dead he can still meet her everyday when he sleeps on that pillow :P
OMG, Johnson is such a awesome character, he cracked me up :P THANK GOODNESS he didn't die in a million pieces or however you say it, he is now officially an spirit ? hehe
Jessica was a boring character and sometimes an annoy to watch so I don't really like her character I'm afraid .
Yeah, overall good series. i wouldn't mind watching it again (:

So now, i'm watching beauty Knows No Pain.
Quite literally, when it just started watching it, all I could think about was Ugly Betty :P
It is SOOO alike ! Espicially with the interior design of the company, Joyce being "ugly" and more !
I reckon this series is only suitable for girls, not guys ! LOL
I think guys would bore to death watching this anyway, and plus this series only revolves around 3 main characters Michelle, Maggie and Joyce :/
So far, this series is kinda boring. BUT one positive is I LOVE the theme and Sub-theme for this series ! It is ABSOLUTELY SO AWESOME ! I love it so much.
Kinda weird how they mention Laughing into this ><
No offence, but Laughing Gor is sooo OLD now ! hopefully, TVB won't mention him anymore ..
But this series is watchable (:

Apparently, my mum says Some Day gets better and funnier..
So I MIGHT continue to watch it .. but seriously the cast and storyline does not engage me at all !

but yeah, thats all from me


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