
Short series Review;
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 5:28 AM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Oh-Em-Gee it is officially a Charmaine and Kevin drought :(
Nothing i can post :$

anyway, here's a series review for he sake of it ><
wow, I take everything back for what I said about "Some Day", its actually quite entertaining to watch. I guess, the series gradually got my attention and it is funny in most scenes so that's goood (: I totally love sitcoms, hopefully this one continues to be like this (:
Teresa Mo seems to have a similar character trait like in Off pedder, Aimee's Character is different so its refreshing to watch, but her love for the environment can be annoying sometimes, Wong Hei is catching my attention, he has a funny character-ish :P
omg, I hope TVB promtotes Candy Cheung more !
Oh, I am eagerly awaiting for Wayne Lai to appear !

Beauty knows No Pain is so hilarious and so true ! This series is seriously are made for ladies LOL
hhha, Joyce is .. weird so far. I can tell that she's gonna be a more stronger and determined women when she gets her whole face surgery done :P
Michelle has a very strong character. It so cute how Dominic and her calls each other "honey" and stuff. It does give me shivers when they say it but its still cute :P
SADLY, Dominic is cheating on her behind her back with Yoyo so that was a real shock to me, especially how he cheated before in the past ><"
Guys cannot be trusted these days LOL

Maggie's character is awesome as well, she is funny, strong and interesting to watch :)
So far, this series is actually quite good. Looking forward to watch more <3

Ohkays, I wouldn't say I watched it but i do have Growing through life at home (:
I remember me, making a huge fuss and so obsessed with it before cause it reminded me of the Drive of Life but I had sneek peeks of it when my parents was watching it and it seems boring LOL
haha, thats what happens when you look forward to a TVB Series, Always disappointment :(
Mind you, i haven't watched it yet. But so far, all i'm seeing and hearing is all company talk. And plus, I ain't familiar with the girl cast here so it makes me a tiny bit hesitate to watch this series :$
At least Raymond has a proper character this time, not like MOL !!
Bosco seems average so far.. we'll have to see when he gets "evil" LOL
On a side Note i absolutely LOVE the themesong for this series, Raymond lam is a genius ! (:

anyways, yeah that's all from me
cyyas (;


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