
Kevin news and Charmaine news;
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 3:09 AM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Charmaine AND Kevin news today, which is a first :P
Firstly, Kevin news cause it took my attention more :P
Although the title is very misleading, if you read further it seems like Kevin and Jenny aren't that close :)

Mainland model Jenny loves Kevin Cheng being mature & gentleman

From Beijing, Jenny Xu won "China Model Star Contest Top Ten Most Photogenic Model" in 2006. A year ago, she officially started developing her career in Hong Kong. Earlier she shot an advertisement with Moses Chan, it was rumored that Kevin Cheng and Jenny were match-made together by Moses. Although she denied dating Kevin, every time she speaks of Kevin, she would always let out a sweet smile. She said: "I don't watch much TV, only know that he is an artist, don't even know his name. He is my friend's friend and is not as complicated as you all make it seem. That night, I went to his house with a friend, there were other people who were there too. (What do you think of him?) He is a lot older than me, like a big brother, very gentlemen. (Is there a chance to develop further?) I don't know how the future is. Romance, just let it flow naturally."

Coming to Hong Kong to work alone, she would feel lonely and wants to date. Jenny's ideal partner is someone who is mature, but that does not mean someone older and appearance is not that important. When asked if Kevin would be a even better boyfriend since he's mature and handsome? She smiled: "We are all just wishing." She said that she is not dating currently and when she does in the future, she will admit it. Jenny then denied that she's familiar with Moses: "We only met during work, we didn't keep in touch after nor does she have his phone number."

Moses Chan' blushes and laughs silly when being teased on Super Trio

Yesterday Charmaine Sheh accepted a CRHK interview. She reveals that her new series Can't Buy Me Love averaged at 33 points, peaking at 37 points. As for the complaints about TVB broadcasting the Philippines tour bus incident prior to the Can't premiere, Charmaine felt that it is TVB's decision or they weren't able to change the schedule in such a short time period. She stressed: "Hope Can't Buy Me Love can constantly send out positive energy and relieve everyone a bit in this unhappy moment." Charmaine hopes Can't will be like Beyond reaching 50 points. Speaking of Louis Yuen once saying that if the ratings averaged 50 points, he asks the female cast to wear men swim trunks, she laughed: "I want to discuss this with Kam Jeh (Lee Heung Kam) and Kuk Jeh (Susanna Kwan)."

Charmaine expressed that later Can't will have more promotions, and won't be embarrassed to see Moses Chan. Before it was said that she had romantic injuries, so she went back to Mainland to film series. Charmaine said that she wasn't in Hong Kong and didn't see the reports. She also reveals that in her new series Colorful World of Sister Fa, she plays a girl with 10 year old mentality, which is a child role, so she only puts on little foundation daily, almost appearing with plain colors. Speaking of rumored boyfriend Kevin Cheng's birthday earlier, she said that she did not give him a gift, but did send him a SMS wishing him a happy birthday, he also replied with a "Thank You".

Also last night, Moses Chan, Charmaine Sheh, Lee Heung Kam, Susan Tse, Louis Yuen and the cast for Can't Buy Me Love were recording a new episode for Super Trio Game Master. Kam Jeh even played with the younger generation without fear, but Charmaine was worried she might get lower back pains, fearing that she'll play so much she'll forget about her old injuries. Moses Chan expressed that the games are much less challenging than before.

Last night, the shy boy Moses was often getting teased. As for Can't reaching 37 points in ratings, Louis Yuen wanted Moses to wear a triangle swimsuit to make coffee. All the other artists applaud in support of the idea, making Moses ears turn red and laughed foolishly, but he didn't oppose to Louis either. Moses was slightly surprised by the high ratings, he believes that the series can bring relaxation and happiness to audience.

Charmaine and Moses played "ping pong sucking", but even after a few times they didn't touch lips, Eric expressed that it wasn't acceptable, so the studio audience shouted loudly "Bernice Liu" to harass Moses, making him lose to Charmaine.

credits to aZangel*


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