
Series Review; Kevin news;
Thursday, August 5, 2010 7:41 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Really pumped for tomorrow, going to an engagement party so really excited but
i'm still abit down about my computer though :$ i can't believe it stuffed up again ;/
but anyway, recently I just finished watching Mysteries of Love and Sisters of Pearl, so here's a short review on what i thought about it (:

Sisters of Pearl is a very slow-paced series. I mean, there were bits and pieces of draggy scenes that did made me want to use the remote and skip sometimes but overall I think this series was interesting. To me, its a similar concept to 'The Gem Of Life' but more successful. You know, owning a jewellery company, 3 sisters and etc. Each episode has a climax in it. Basically if you miss an episode you would be clueless on whats going on cause each episode has some sort of twist and turn. Focusing more on the series, my favourite character must be Michael surprisingly. Sadly, TVB just had to kill him off like that .__. Isn't losing his legs bad enough ? I was puzzled how Michael died and somehow Bowie amazingly survived that and became mental O_O
For some reason Kiki is ALWAYS given the most annoying and stubborn character in a TVB series. GOSH, she was MORE than annoying and stubborn in here. It really pissed me off seeing her face onscreen :$ LOL, like literally
Jessica's character was average actually, I didn't really find her interesting.
Oh, It was funny how Joyce took charge of their company. I remember her being so dumb and innocent and now she's all mature and have a big career in front of her, I was happy for her (:
I was also happy about the three sisters finally being together, happily as a family cause they definitely been through ALOT !
Overall, this series is decently good, managing to make this series exciting for the whole 3o episode is amazing.

Mysteries of Love is alright. But I would think this series would had more potential if it wasn't a love base series, a cop series would be more enthusiastic to watch cause the love relationship or love story in here was horrible. The relationship between Kenneth and Bernice is seriously so BADD !! i dreaded watching their relationship. It was so confusing and the most stupidest relationship ever! Also how can a responsible and an excellent cop be a full on player ?
Moving on to Tavia's Relationship with Raymond. OMG, No chemistry at all .
Raymond was very stiff and shy and .. was very awkward to watch. To make it all worse he was wearing very tight clothing ><" LOL. His character didsn't have much personality, his a very quiet type and doesn't talk much at all. On the other-hand Tavia had a character that was very happy and energetic and talks a lot LOL So it wasn't logical for them to be together.. in my opinion. The cases however, were good but not great especially with the first couple of cases, they were quick and easy, predictable and boring. But then it got better and they lasted longer and did have some climaxes which was good (: I really like the Eric Li 's and the Raymond Wong's case (: It was a shame that Raymond didn't really appear much onscreen :$ I wonder how this series got high ratings ? Sometimes I think its because of Raymond's popularity that boosted the ratings. Raymond is very, very popular these days ! So yeah, hha, really negative reviews on MOL but it wasn't THAT bad :$ I just got alot to say LOL. Overall, a watchable series (:

On a side note, here's are some blessing ceremony pictures of residential army (:


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