
OLD Charvin Pictures;
Monday, August 2, 2010 11:36 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Sorry for the absence yesterday, but basically Yesterday Kevin, Raymond Cho, Mandy Cho etc. performed at the Hong Kong Pageant 2010. The performance of them were alright, abit boring if you ask me and the song chose is horrible LOL BUT Kevin looked real good on the night. I LOVED what he was wearing ;D
Pictures of the night;
On a side note, the first Trailer of CMBL is out !!
I like the idea using the theme of BTROC and then all of a sudden comes out the comedy sides of things. Can't wait to watch it,
watch here;

Gosh, I haven't posted OLD Charvin Pictures in AGEES ! LOL
So here's one to share ;) These captures are from Point Of No Return.
Charmaine was very cute back then (:


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