
Happy Birthday Kevin; Chit-chat (:
Saturday, August 14, 2010 4:57 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Check out the Fourth Trailer for CMBL (:
Must be my favourite clip, cause like all the couples in here are bickering, and I LOVE bickering couples <3
LOL I'm looking forward to Linda and Raymond's pairing ! Just a quick say, I have finished watching Ghost Writer and It was an alright series :$
It was abit of a bore sometimes, I only liked watching bits where it involved ghosts and stuff (: I reckon this series was missing something, i don't think it showed enough Ghostly stuff for me :P Linda was a tad of a boring character :$ Maybe her insomnia affected her acting :/
Fala was the cutest thing to watch at first, then she got selfish and do what ever it takes to take Steven off of Linda so that wasn't really engaging to watch anymore. Steven had a character he always has, so nothing to comment about LOL, TVB always gives him these genres to act ><" AND always gives him these type of series, series that is considered average. i don't mind watching this series, but its a series that you have to have time and patience to watch cause it can be draggy sometimes :$
So now I'm watching When Lanes merges and Pillow Case of Mystery (:
I am enjoying WLM alot ! It is a better dupe of Journey called Life, and I am now a Raymond Wong fan LOL. PCOMII is alright, I think without Kenix and Annie something is missing in cast wise and its not really funny .. so yeah (:

OH, I ALMOST FORGOT ! Photobucket

Happy Birthday Kevin Cheng !
Hope you become successful in your career and soon find your ideal partner ;) LOL

Yesterday Kevin had a Birthday dinner/party ! and invited his best mates, check them out;

And here's Random Weibo pictures I found on Kevin, His so cute :P


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