
Sunday, August 29, 2010 11:15 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
Some CMBL news today (:

Charmaine Sheh defends herself of not having Princess Sickness

The cast of Can't Buy Me Love including Charmaine Sheh, Moses Chan and Fala Chen attended the promotional event in Olympian City yesterday. They put in the effort to play games with the audience at the location and brought a message of love through the promotion, giving positive energy to the people of Hong Kong.

In the series, Charmaine stood out by playing a shrewd Princess, when asked if she's just being herself? Charmaine said: "It's just acting, I don't have the Princess Sickness! (Afraid audience wont' accept it?) Nope, have to try out all different styles when acting in order to give a fresh new feeling to audience." For this collaboration, Charmaine successfully created sparks with Moses and it estimated that the series will reach an average of 33 points in TV ratings. Regarding the Manila tour bus hostage tragedy happening during the premiere of this series, Charmaine expressed that she hopes the series can bring comfort to the victims' family and plus it is a positive story, so can help the victims bravely face the future. As for Moses Chan, he praises Charmaine's good acting: "Shrewd Princess is not easy to be accepted by people, but she handled it very well. (Does the one besides you have princess sickness?) Luckily haven't encountered one."

Also, Fala Chen reveals her comedic side in the series, asked if her boyfriend has praised her comedic skills? Fala laughed: "He likes Louis Yuen and Moses Chan more. (Jealous?) I am jealous of Big EX (Louis)! (After this series premiered, the Manila incident occurred and also clashes with the demonstration, has it been a big impact?) Hope this series can unite and bring a positive message to audience." Fala has great kung fu skills in the series, but she still had a frown on her face: "It was really difficult shooting those action scenes, but in the end only 10 seconds of it was shown, feel really disappointed."

Additional Pictures;

*credits to aZangel


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