
Charmaine's new haircut;
Friday, August 20, 2010 9:38 PM | 0 comments

I nearly died from a heart attack when I saw this !! :(
I know that Charmaine will have to cut her hair for her new series "Colorful World of Sister Fa"
BUT I didn't expect THIS haircut !
I think I may be over-reacting about this, but this is a massive shock for me :(
I really miss Charmaine's long hair, its gonna take awhile for this to grow out long *sigh*
BUT oh well.. I hope this series is gonna be worth it even though its just 'hair' that Charmaine is sacrificing. LOL

Doesn't this haircut remind you of Roger's haircut in "Life Made Simple" but in girl version ?
hahah :P


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