
OLD kevin Pictures;
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:28 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
haha, and Charmaine's favourite male co-star is ..
Did not expect that at all ! Coz i never remember or recall a Gallen and Charmaine collaboration but I was wrong after all ;)
oh, my computer is fixed ! haha, and i didn't lose any of my stuff too ! all my music, videos, photos and even my photoshop is still there (:
*phew* all thanks to my computer genius uncle (:
So now, I am so cautious of downloading anything now, I do not want another virus !
In terms of any news on Kevin and Charmaine lately? sadly no :(
but anyway, I found this REALLY adorable pictures of Kevin and I had to post this up for you guys.
These pictures will definitely appear in my next monthly banners ;) haha


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