
Kevin News;
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 3:48 AM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
More Kevin news ;)
Does Kevin's image in "Household Army" look similar to Forensic Heroes II to anyone? I mean the haircut and clothing to me is very similar :P which is good coz I loved Ivan <3

Bernice Liu complains tearfully to Kevin Cheng {{Misleading Title}}

The day before, Kevin Cheng and Bernice Liu were at a park in Yau Ma Tei filming for new series . The scene was about Bernice feeling emotional and sobbed on Kevin's shoulders. Before actual filming, Bernice stood aside to get her emotions out and was successful in one shot. Liza Wang (Ah Jeh) is known for being strict, Kevin was asked how it's like collaborating with her? He said: "Actually Ah Jeh is just very serious. As long as your prepared and know the script then it's not a problem. I actually feel she's quite fun to work with and can joke too."

Earlier it was said that Bernice 'defeated' Charmaine Sheh in getting Moses Chan back, asked if Kevin would go comfort Charmaine? He did not say much: "Haven't seen her, when I see her first. (Call her?) Not necessary, nonsense news! (Not even one call to a good friend?) Won't just talk about these things out of the blue." Bernice laughed: "No lost, no win. Actually that time an event organizer asked Moses and I to attend their event, we are just working." For TV King this year, does she support Moses? She expressed that she may not because she's also good friends with Wayne Lai and often call him "Big Brother"!

*credits to aZangel


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