
Kevin News;
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:09 AM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
More news on the Dai Si Chung incident :/

Kevin Cheng sad: "Only Gratitude, No Hatred

Dai Si Chung had given a lot of love to his apprentice Kevin Cheng, unfortunately the two got on bad terms due to contract disputes. Yesterday Kevin arrived at Olympian City to film for TVB new series . Asked if his disputes with Dai Si Chung never got resolved? He said in sorrow: "There is only gratitude, no hatred. He's not even here anymore. A lot has happened in the past, but the most important thing now is to focus on Teacher's funeral, making sure it goes well."

Daniel Chan and Dai Si Chung also had a lot happened in the past, Kevin said: "Ever since I went to Taiwan, I have not kept in touch with Teacher. Actually I kept in touch with his younger daughter, but stopped in 2006. I send my condolence to them."

It was rumored that Dai Si Chung wanted to meet Kevin, so the Dai family tried to contact him, Kevin said: "I never received a phone call from them." It was also said that he has always kept a famous brand watch that Dai Si Chung gave him in 1993, will he be attending the funeral? Kevin said: "Yes. I have contacted his daughter after Teacher Dai was admitted into the hospital, but it flew to voicemail. Teacher Dai's death, I really feel surprised." Liza Wang also commented on Dai's death: "Not really familiar with him, but I do know he taught many students."

Here's a comment I found about this, and I must say I have to strongly agree about this;

"My eyes were wet when I read about Kevin's response to Dai's death news. It brings back memory of his interview with Stephen Chan in his program "Be My Guest". Kevin has displayed such high level of dignity which is not easy knowing the incidences he had gone through with Dai in the past. Kevin deserves my praise and appreciation.
One can tell from Kevin's look (especially his eyes) that he is in grief. Kevin is a very sentimental person. Even though the mentor-student relationship between Dai Si Chung and Kevin had been damaged by the controversial issues surrounding their contract, Kevin bears no resentment but showing graciousness and reverence to Dai, who was once his singing teacher, mentor and godfather. From this, we can see that Kevin is such a dignified person who always remember the goodness of those who bless him.
As for my viewpoint of him not visiting Dai :
First of all, he was busy filming and can't go to visit Dai at his sick bed. Secondly, it is wise for him not to visit Dai for the media will certainly be surrounding him which may cause much disturbances that may affect the family members at hospital.
What more can we say but to appreciate Kevin being such a man with a noble character !"

On a side note, I am truly looking forward to Growing Through Life !
Raymond Lam's character in this seems REALLY similar to The Drive of Life (:
AND so I am really hyped, and not to mention Bosco is in this <3 I love watching guys who have a serious attitude LOL. I must say I am obsessed with Korean Dramas lately ! I mean, stereotypically teenage girls are suppose to like Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas and now I'm one of them LOL I guess TVB is lacking romantic, sweet and cute relationships :$ And Korean Dramas is famous for these things so yeah .. :D ohmygosh guys, Park Shin Hye and Jang Geun Suk is my new "IT' couple ! I love these two together so much LOL but anyway, thats it from me cyaa (:

*credits to aZangel


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