
Chit-Chat (:
Monday, July 12, 2010 10:08 PM | 0 comments

Hey Guys,
I THINK my computer is fixed today .. hopefully it is so I can post properly and regularly ;$
Have you heard about a magazine involving Charmaine revealing her favourite male co-star ?
I will reveal her answer when i get the answer but hopefully its kevin !!! But I seriously doubt it coz I don't think she wants more rumours and such :( Its probably someone she isn't rumoured with but I am still interested to know ;)
Since TVB is giving me average series to watch I kinda been moving on into other dramas (:
Gosh, I have been so obsessed with Korean dramas lately !!

'You're Beautiful' must be the BEST drama i have ever watched ! and I am so dead serious here LOL, It is so funny and very cute.
The cast are amazing, and the actual plot is amazing as well LOL, so please do watch this if you haven't !
I also have watched Cinderella's Sister, Prosecutor Princess and currently watching Personal taste (:
BUT, I am still following TVB. Currently I am watching Ghost Writer, Mysteries Of Love and Sisters of Pearl and they're all pretty decent but .. ;/

ANYWAY, here's a link to Kevin and kate's Nokia event which was a while ago;
AND here's a link to some cute pictures and a cute clip of Roger and Charmaine;


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